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Seattle, WA

(206) 249-9909

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.


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Art Bash 2013: Creativity in Black & White

AAF Seattle Administrator

Art Bash is always a crowdpleaser. Heck, public vote even semi-crowdsourced this year's theme. The people chose Creativity in Black & White to inspire the agencies, and they did not disappoint!

We received over 20 pieces of art, providing entertainment, competition, and photo opps, and raising nearly $2000 for our scholarship fund in the process.

Guests enjoyed Pom Pom signature cocktails from sponsors Hall & Partners, a festive spread from Herban Feast, and beats by DJ Zapan, appearing in virtual form.

We've been trying a new photo-sharing tool called Everlapse, and got just enough submissions to be worth posting the results:

If you have your own pics to share, add them to our event flipbook. See our event album on Facebook and #ArtBashAAF on Tagboard.